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First Day on an Operating Ranch


Updated: Apr 15, 2020

Our herd was going to arrive on Saturday, April 11, 2020. The weather did not cooperate. In order to make it a smooth transition for our girls we all determined that we would delay one day for better weather.

And was it ever! It was a gorgeous sunny day. Our amazing friend Valerie met us to pick up the Alpacas in her trailer. When we got there we went over some questions with the wonderful owners of Alpacas of Aledo. (If you ever get a chance, definitely visit their ranch. They have SO MANY adorable Alpacas and they are super wonderful people) We were informed that Magic was having a rough day and had a little extra "spunk" today.

All three loaded into the trailer pretty easily and we headed toward home. I was anticipating a big of a struggle getting all three on their leads and into their new pasture. Boy was I wrong. Valerie parked that trailer right up to the gate and we opened the doors and off they went into their new pasture.

They were definitely a little confused but began to explore their new home. Now comes the fun part. They weren't quite sure of me and Harry yet but we NEEDED to get those halters off of them. We proceeded to corral them into their shelter so we could at least get to their halters. This took a couple of tries. Turns out I am not a natural at corralling. But we finally did it and they seemed so happy to have the halters off.

We spent the rest of the day just sitting out in the pasture with them. They never did come over to us but they were getting more comfortable in their new home. On Monday, while I was working, Harry got Magic to eat hay out of his hands. I was so jealous! We spent my lunch hour sitting in the pasture with them and were able to get all three to eat hay out of our hands. We are making great progress already.

We are starting a routine and learning each of the girls' personality and quirks. We have one girl who has a bit of an attitude with her sisters. Any guesses on who that is? We would love to hear any questions you have or any requests for future blog posts.

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